12 Celebs Who Tragically had Miscarriages & Stillbirths PT 1

For most families, becoming pregnant is one of the ecstatic moment in their lives. The excitement of feeling the baby’s first flutters, kicks and turns, the emotional thrill of hearing the heartbeat for the first time and trying to pick out the perfect name all bring joyous thoughts and palpable anticipation to the expecting couple. For many, the nausea, incessant bathroom trips, doctor visits, labor and finally delivery all but fade away as the small eyes of mommy and baby meet for the first time. Unfortunately for many, this is not the case. For a myriad of diagnosed, known or unknown reasons, not every pregnancy ends in the bundle of joy hoped for. Sometimes, that beautiful life growing inside of mom suddenly ends; October is dedicated to those pregnancies and babies. It’s been reported that 1 in every 160 births in the US is a stillbirth, and, sadly, most of these deaths are unexplained.*

12 Celebrities Who Had Miscarriages/Stillbirths Continue reading